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4 Drawing from an Anatomy Book 6.JPG



About Sara Zielinski Designs

Sara Zielinski Designs is a clothing and accessory line created by artist Sara Zielinski. Zielinski’s textile work began when she started printing etchings and screen prints on fabric by hand to create unique pieces and immersive installations. From there it was a smooth progression to digitally printing on fabric and creating clothing available for a wider market. The result is wearable art that allows people to take a piece of Zielinski’s world into their own. 

All current products are made of 100% silk or 100% cotton. SZ Designs strives to work with natural materials and partner with equitable labor practices. 

About Sara Zielinski 

Sara Zielinski is a visual artist working in Brooklyn, NY and Boston, MA. She has studied printmaking at Columbia University, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Fine Arts Work Center, and School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work stretches across many media to realize the ideas of each of her individual projects. She regularly incorporates drawing, printmaking, painting, and sewing into her work, often combining several techniques to create installations. Zielinski has shown at Childs Gallery, International Print Center New York, Ink. Miami Art Fair, Find & Form, Harriet Tubman Gallery, Shoestring Press, and Sapar Contemporary, among others.

Artist website: